16 en 17 november - CLI-Conference 1st Annual Conference of the Centre for Law and Internet Law and Society in the Digital Era

Amsterdam, 16/17november 2016. Society is changing fast under the influence of the digital revolution and developments in the field of a.o. Big Data and artificial intelligence. Data, including personal data, are the new natural source of the global economy and the basis for government surveillance, as will be demonstrated by Head of the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service Rob Bertholee. EU copyright reform and future developments in this field will be presented by Séverine Dusollier, Professor of Intellectual Property Law. The issue of personal data protection reform in the digital society will be addressed by Paul de Hert, Professor at VUB, Associated Professor at Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society Ethical dilemmas of Big Data and new technologies will be the topic of the contribution of Hans Schnitzler free-lance philosopher and author of “Het digitale proletariaat”. Serge Gijrath and Judica Krikke will refl ect on the challenges of technology from an attorney perspective. Lees meer