8e editie Data, Cybersecurity & Privacy (DCSP) nu verkrijgbaar!

The magazine Data, Cybersecurity & Privacy (DCSP) edition number 8 has been published! Once again, an edition where many of your data, cybersecurity and privacy related questions will be answered. Soon also available online. What to expect:
- Rob van den Hoven van Genderen about eHealth and the AI-regulation;
- Peter van Schelven about Secure Software Development and OWASP;
- Hans Schnitzler about ‘Datacracy’;
- Bernold Nieuwesteeg about the discussion about digital autonomy that must become part of the Dutch political debate.
The Legal Look
From Victor de Pous where he discusses the troublesome protection of healthcare data.
- Quirine Eijkman: Algorithms increase ánd decrease a fair chance to get a job.
- Six Questions on Data ad Privacy to… VNO-NCW / MKB Nederland. We spoke with Irvette Tempelman – Secretary of Policy who deals with privacy, consumer policy and the regulations of artificial intelligence.
- Roel’s kitchen table interview with: Daniël Wunderink – Chief Information Officer at GVB Amsterdam. Daniël is a former hacker who turned into an IT expert.
- Interview with Nathalie Jaarsma - the Dutch Ambassador at-Large for Security Policy and Cyber. We spoke with Nathalie about the international negotiations in which she represents the Dutch cyber policy.
Interested in receiving this magazine? Soon you will also be able to read the magazines online via your subscription! If you are interested in
subscribing or if you, as a professional in Data, Cybersecurity and/or Privacy have more interesting information to share, contact the editor, Frederique Ternede, via fternede@delexmedia.nl.
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Take a look on our website: www.dcsp.nl