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Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 november 2021
IEF 20293

Data, Cybersecurity & Privacy (DCSP) edition number 9 is published

The magazine Data, Cybersecurity & Privacy (DCSP) edition number 9 has been published! Once again, an edition where many of your data, cybersecurity and privacy related questions will be answered. What to read:

- Rob van den Hoven van Genderen: The criminalization of Doxing;
- Peter van Schelven: Hacking IT systems: European Court of Justice to clarify the GDPR on IT-security;
- Hans Schnitzler: We nihilists;
- Bernold Nieuwesteeg: To negotiate or not to negotiate.

The Legal Look
From Victor de Pous where he provides insight into what legal incidents can contribute to digital security policies.

Dana Spataru – Partner Risk Advisory at Deloitte: Emerging tech wideming cyber skills gap. Can women help close it? In her article, Dana gives attention to Deloitte's Women in Cyber Initiative. She also discusses the risks that come forward when new technologies emerge. How can we tackle these risks and who is best suited to do so?

- Roel’s kitchen table interview with: Marleen Stikker – Founder from Waag. Marleen Stikker developed the first free gateway to a virtual community on the Internet and co-founded Waag. They spoke about Marleen her technological interest and nature, about squatting, tinkering and much more.
-Interview with Joris Willems – Partner and Head of Technology Group at NautaDutilh. We asked him about the complexity of digital transformation when it comes to new technologies, big data, smart contracts, deep learning and so on.
- Six Question on Data and Privacy to… KNLTB. The Royal Dutch Lawn Tennis Federation (KNLTB) received a hefty fine from the Dutch Data Protection Authority for breaching de GDPR. How does the KNLTB view their case and how do things stand today? We spoke with Robert Jan Schumacher, Director of Services at the KNLTB.

Interested in receiving this magazine? Soon you will also be able to read the magazines online via your subscription!
If you are interested in subscribing or if you, as a professional in Data, Cybersecurity and/or Privacy have more interesting information to share, contact the editor, Frederique Ternede, via

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