EPO's Unitary Patent Guide

EPO Unitary Patent Guide. Obtaining, maintaining and managing Unitary Patents. August 2017, 1st edition. 1 This guide outlines the provisions relevant to obtaining, maintaining and managing Unitary Patents and , in particular , offer s practical advice to smooth the way to them. It cannot, however, go into the details or specific issues of all the procedures relat ing to Unitary Patents, and it does not constitute an official commentary on the applicable legislation . 2 In this guide, you will find references to various provisions of the two EU r egulations relat ing to Unitary Patent s , the European Patent Convention (hereinafter " EPC "), the secondary legislation (Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection and Rules relating to Fees for Unitary Patent Protection), the EPO's Official Journal (hereinafter "OJ") and the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (hereinafter "UPCA") . You are strongly advised to consult the legislation or the relevant legal commentaries before t aking any decisions in practice . Lees verder