EU maakt de weg vrij voor ratificatie Marrakesh Verdrag

Uit het persbericht: The EU today cleared the final hurdle in the process of ratifying the Marrakesh Treaty, after the Maltese presidency secured an agreement with the European Parliament on implementing legislation.
"The long-awaited accession of the EU to the Marrakesh Treaty is set to become a reality. This is of huge importance since it ensures a basic human right to over 30 million visually impaired people across the EU, and improves the accessibility of books in developing countries".
Dr Christian Cardona, Maltese minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses
Persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled continue to face many barriers in accessing books and other print material. The need to increase the number of works and other protected subject-matter available in accessible formats such as braille, audio-books and large print, has been recognised at international level.
The proposals agreed today will introduce into EU law a new mandatory exception to copyright rules, in line with the Marrakesh Treaty. This will allow beneficiary persons and organisations to make copies of works in accessible formats, and to disseminate them across the EU and in third countries which are party to the Treaty. Lees verder