EU Observatory Workprogramme 2013
EU Observatory Workprogramme 2013, on infringements of Intellectuel Property Rights
Beleidsplannen van het European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual
Property Rights: As such, this document provides the basis for evaluation, approval and launch of the specified Work Programme in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 386/2012.(...) In 2009, the European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy was established by the European Commission - DG Markt, to support the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights and to help combat the growing threat of IP infringements that continually jeopardise the EU´s position as a world leader in the areas of creativity and innovation.
(...) It became evident from the different contributions received that there is a need for the Observatory to maximise its knowledge base.(...) recognising that a crucial first step in addressing issues in the modern IP world includes building a greater understanding of the current landscape.
(...) Moreover, developing a thorough grasp of the role of IP in the modern era involves a vigorous examination of complex trends and their immediate impacts on business, including SME´s, consumers, the economy, legislation and society as a whole. (...) The Observatory initially established three specialist and professional working groups to carry out its basic aims of assessing the legal situation in the EU, delivering independent data and assessments on the scope and scale of counterfeiting and piracy in the internal market and raising public awareness.
Lees het werkprogramma 2013 hier.
1. Introduction
1.1 About this document
1. Background
2. The General Consultation
3. The 2013 Work Programme4. Projects
4.1. Raising public awareness
4.2 Developing systems to gather analyse and report on the scope and scale of counterfeiting and piracy in the EU and exchange key information
4.3. Building competences in IP enforcement by delivering specialised enforcement training5. New projects
5.1 Mapping of new business models
5.2 Country Reports and technical
cooperation: How best to safeguard your IP rights
5.3 EU Orphan works registry
6. How the Observatory wants to function
6.1 Facilitating exchange of information and building synergies
6.2 Observatory meetings
A. Joint private and public sector representatives meeting ('plenary')
B. Public or private sector representatives meetings
C. Working groups
7. International cooperation