Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 juli 2011
IEF 9998
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LIDC Conference

LIDC Conference 2011, donderdag 22 t/m zaterdag 24 september 2011, Christ Church, Oxford, UK.

Met dank aan Jan Kabel, chair op de eerste inhoudelijke dag van het programma.

Haast U, Haast U, nog enkele plaatsen beschikbaar bij het Congress van de LIDC, International League of Competition Law. Enkele Key notes: 

  • What are the most important factors that should determine the level of fines imposed for infringement of
    the competition rules (eg cooperation, compliance programmes, impact of infringement, deterrence)? Should there be a binding framework determining the level of fines and who should decide it (eg judges, competition authorities, ministers)?
  • Intellectual Property Issues and the London Olympics
  • To what extent should online intermediaries (eg ISPs and operators of online marketplaces) be responsible for controlling or forbidding unfair competitive practices (eg the sale of infringing products) on their systems?”
  • Problems of adjudication in competition law cases

Early bird discount: vóór 31st July 2011, programma.


Early Bird*(£)

Full Rate (£)

LIDC Member



Concessions (under 35, full-time academic, trainee lawyers/pupil
barristers, public sector employees, retired)






Accompanying persons



 * Closing date 31st july 2011
Meer over de fees: hier

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