Nieuwe editie magazine Data, Cybersecurity & Privacy (DCSP) verschijnt binnenkort

Edition number 7! Once again, an edition where many of your data, cybersecurity and privacy related questions will be answered. What to expect:
-Rob v/d Hoven van Genderen about the corona vaccination passport;
-Peter van Schelven about Data Security and IT-inventory;
-Hans Schnitzler about the misleading metaphors of the information age;
-Bernold Nieuwesteeg about Secure Software. For this edition, he wrote this column with cyber security experts Petra Oldengam and Rutger Leukfeldt.
The Legal Look
From Victor de Pous where he pleads for legal liability caused by digital shortcomings.
-Eliëtte Vaal and Vonne Laan: The cookie has crumbled: custom audiences to the rescue?
-Willeke Kemkers and privacy expert Adriano Chaves from Brazil: Brazil’s new privacy initiative; national law with global implications. An overview.
-Roel’s kitchen table interview with: Ton Wagemans - Partner at Considerati. He advises leading national and international organisations in the field of public affairs and stakeholder management.
-Interview with the Dutch DPA (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). We spoke with Cecile Schut, Director of System Supervision, Security and Technology, about data brokering. How to approach data brokering and trafficking and how does the Dutch DPA see its future?
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