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Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 22 januari 2010
IEF 8543
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Prevented any assumption of a possible link

Het Gerecht, 21 januari 2010, zaak T-309/08, G-Star Raw Denim kft tegen OHIM

Gemeenschapsmerk. Oppositieprocedure tegen aanvraag Gemeenschapsbeeldmerk G STOR o.g.v. ouder nationale en Gemeenschapswoord- en beeldmerken G-STAR en G-STAR RAW DENIM. Oppositie afgewezen. Geen overeenstemmende merken.

35. Furthermore, the impact of the conceptual differences in terms of counteracting the aural similarity is reinforced by the fact that there are also significant visual differences between the marks at issue. In that context, it must be pointed out that the degree of aural similarity of two marks is of less importance in the case of goods which are marketed in such a way that, when making a purchase, the relevant public generally perceives visually the mark designating those goods (…). Clearly, that is the case in respect of the goods covered by the mark applied for and by the earlier marks.

36. In view of all of the above, the Board of Appeal was right to find, in paragraph 31 of the contested decision, that the visual and conceptual differences between the marks prevented any assumption of a possible link between them and, therefore, that the second condition for the application of Article 8(5) of Regulation No 40/94 was not satisfied.

38. In so far as the marks at issue are neither identical nor similar, one of the cumulative conditions for the application of Article 8(5) of Regulation No 40/94 is not satisfied. Therefore, there is no need to assess whether the use without due cause of the trade mark applied for could take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the earlier trade marks.

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