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Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 februari 2006
IEF 1665
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Villa Idris

Officiëel WIPO-persbericht over het de grote roerganger, in inhoud en toonzetting een voorbeeld voor persberichten van het BMB, het Octrooicentrum en de diverse relevante ministeries:

"The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) inaugurated a regional intellectual property (IP) training center, naming the center after the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Dr. Kamil Idris, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the promotion of IP as a tool for development.

Paying tribute to Dr. Idris and the other eminent personalities who were being honored at the ceremony, the Vice President said “your tireless efforts that laid the firm foundation for the growth of the organization as well as the development of intellectual property systems in Africa is greatly appreciated. It is my sincere hope that your extraordinary leadership qualities and experiences will continue to inspire generations to come.”  Lees de rest van dit prachtig ronkende persbericht hier.