VU - prof. Haochen Sun - Copyright and the Public Interest: A Tale of Two Digital Library Litigations

On 30th June 2016 (Thursday), the VU Centre for Law and Internet will host the next guest lecture organized within the “Intellectual Property Law – International Lecture Series”. Prof. Haochen Sun from the University of Hong Kong will speak about “Copyright and the Public Interest: A Tale of Two Digital Library Litigations”.
In his talk, Prof. Sun will examine the best ways to promote the public interest through copyright law by comparing recent litigations over the Google Library Project in the United States and China. The U.S. courts ruled that the Google Library Project was fair use. By contrast, the Chinese courts ruled against Google, holding that its Library Project did not constitute fair use. Professor Sun will consider why the U.S. and Chinese courts have made these conflicting judicial opinions. He will further use this comparative study to show that the construction of both legal and cultural infrastructures is essential for promoting the public interest in copyright law.
We would like to invite you to attend this event.
It will take place at 4:00 pm, in the Main Building, Room HG-03C03 (Agora 3). There will be afternoon tea/coffee accompanied by some sweet treats.
Please confirm your attendance by contacting