Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 22 september 2006
IEF 2651
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bhimohim.bmp"The requirement that trade marks in Europe must be "graphically represented" should be scrapped, according to a senior adviser at the Community trade mark office in Alicante.
Vincent O'Reilly, director of IP policy at OHIM, said the requirement – found in Article 2 of the 1988 EU Trade Mark Directive and Article 4 of the 1994 EU Regulation on the Community trade mark – had its roots in the 19th century when trade mark procedure was paper-based. He added that it is less relevant today as registers and bulletins exist electronically rather than in hard copies.

Instead, O'Reilly proposed that there should be a requirement that trade marks be "accurately reproduced". This would mean that, if and when technology becomes available, there would be fewer obstacles to the registration of novel marks such as smells."

Lees hier meer (Managing IP).