Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 31 oktober 2006
IEF 2867
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Persbureau Bloomberg bericht met betreking tot het heffingendebat: “European Union regulators said in a draft recommendation that Consumers who pay copyright fees on PCs and portable music players shouldn't be taxed a second time when they download music or films on the Internet,

The draft calls on EU governments to “ensure” that the amount of fees “takes into account the degree of use of a technological measure by comparing the licensed use with any other actual use on a sliding scale.” It also said nations should outlaw fees for minimal private copying. (…) The draft says artists' groups and copyright holders should come up with a new system to collect fees “that does not result in obstacles to the free movement of goods and services.” (...) The draft also opposes copyright fees on  “small consignments” of blank discs and digital music players.

Lees hier meer.