Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 april 2010
IEF 8785
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Beeldmerk hond

Gerecht EU, 20 april 2010,  zaak T-187/08, Rodd & Gunn Australia Ltd tegen OHIM

Gemeenschapsmerk. Beeldmerk hond. Mislukte vernieuwing registratie. Geen restitutio in integrum.

28. It is apparent from that provision that restitutio in integrum is subject to two conditions, first, that the party acted with all due care required by the circumstances and, second, that the non-observance of the time-limit by that party has the direct consequence of causing the loss of any right or means of redress (…)

30. In the present case, there is no need for the Court to rule on whether a non-professional representative can renew a Community trade mark, and therefore whether the proprietor of the mark exercised all due care required by the circumstances in that regard; it suffices to point out that, in any event, CPA did not exercise all due care required by the circumstances.

Lees het arrest hier.