Gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 maart 2010
IEF 8709
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Being a female personal forename

Gerecht EU, 24 maart 2010, zaak T-130/09, Eliza Corporation tegen OHIM / Went Computing Consultancy Group B.V.

Gemeenschapsmerken. Oppositieprocedure tegen aanvraag beeldmerk met woordbestandeel ELIZA o.g.v. ouder Gemeenschapswoordmerk ELISE (software). Oppositie toegewezen, verwarringsgevaar.

37. The applicant further argues that there may be a perception of similarity. ‘Regarding goods [such] as perfumery, cosmetics, hair lotions etc. it might be obvious that the relevant public might’ perceive the signs as female names, ‘but not in the field of computer highly specialised hard[ware] and software’.

38. That contention must be rejected. As OHIM correctly points out, words do not lose their semantic content just because they are used in respect of goods to which that content has no obvious conceptual relationship.

41. In conclusion the Board of Appeal correctly found that the signs at issue displayed visual similarity and that they will be perceived as conceptually identical, at least in certain parts of the European Union. While the Board of Appeal slightly overstated the phonetic similarity between the two marks in finding that the level of phonetic similarity was ‘high’, when in fact the two signs were only similar, this error does not, in the opinion of the Court, vitiate the Board’s overall assessment that the two marks, taken globally, have a high degree of similarity.

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