Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 december 2005
IEF 1407
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Breaking Barbie

Onderzoek van de Universiteit van Bath in Groot-Brittannië naar het merkbewustzijn onder kinderen van 7 - 11 jaar leidde tot schokkende resulaten. De naam Barbie roept bij deze kinderen blijkbaar vele haatgevoelens en geweld op:

"Barbie, that plastic icon of girlhood fantasy play, is routinely tortured by children, research has found. The methods of mutilation are varied and creative, ranging from scalping to decapitation, burning, breaking and even microwaving, according to academics from the University of Bath. ....The researchers had not intended to focus on Barbie, but they were taken aback by the rejection, hatred and violence she provoked when they asked the children about their feelings for the doll. Violence and torture against Barbie were repeatedly reported across age, school and gender. No other toy or brand name provoked such a negative response. " (The Times)