Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 4 december 2009
IEF 8400
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Breakthrough for EU patent during the Swedish Presidency

It will be cheaper and easier for inventors and companies to protect their innovations in the EU. The EU Member States agreed today on the main elements of the EU patent and a single European Patent Court. The agreement represents a significant step towards a final solution for the EU patent. 

On 4 December, the Competitiveness Council - under the leadership of Minister for Trade Ewa Björling - reached a unanimous agreement on the general focus of the European patent regulation and Council conclusions on a common European Patent Court. This is a political breakthrough in these negotiations, which have been going on for a long time now, and is a significant step towards a final agreement. The next step will be for the European Parliament to take a position on the proposal. The European Court of Justice will also need to state its opinion on the new European Patent Court.

"I am very pleased that we have finally seen a political breakthrough in these difficult negotiations that have gone on for so long. I am proud that the Council has now sent a clear and unambiguous signal to Europe's innovative companies that have long been calling for an improved patent system. The EU patent will make it much easier and cheaper to protect innovations in the EU. This will give European industry better opportunities to compete on the global market," says Minister for Trade Ewa Björling.

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