Gepubliceerd op maandag 21 mei 2012
IEF 11323
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Call for Papers: EPIP Conference

Call for Papers, voor de 7th Annual Conference of the EPIP Association, IP in Motion - Opening up IP? University of Leuven, Belgium September 27‐28, 2012.

The European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) association will hold its 7th Annual Conference on September 27‐28, 2012 in Leuven (Belgium) ( Scholars and practitioners interested in the economic, legal, political and managerial aspects of intellectual property rights are encouraged to attend the conference with or without paper presentation. The conference aims to explore and stimulate debate regarding open innovation and creation, and to examine the interaction between open innovation and proprietary IP mechanisms.

Submission is open to papers of general interest in the area of IP law and policy*. Papers will be reviewed by the experts of the Scientific Committee. In the parallel sessions feedback on the papers will be provided by keynote speakers, members of the Scientific Committee and senior scholars.

Submission procedure for scientific papers
Full papers as well as extended abstracts may be submitted to All proposals must include the following information:

  • title of the paper
  • authors’ name and affiliation(s), full address, phone and e‐mail address
  • motivation, research question(s), research methodology
  • abstract of up to 500 words

Time schedule for submission of scientific papers

  • Deadline for abstract submission May 30, 2012
  • Notification of paper acceptance July 15, 2012
  • Additional information for authors with accepted papers

In order for your paper to be included in the program, at least one of the authors must have registered to the conference by June 30, 2012. Each participant will only be allowed to present one paper during the conference. Co‐authored papers may be presented by any of the participating co‐authors.

For more information do not hesitate to contact

Conference information:, EPIP-site.

* Papers may address topics such as:
Open innovation, new business models and the role of IPRs
Patent pools, patent clearinghouses and open source models
Crowd sourcing and IPRs
Platform technologies and IPRs
Commons and IPRs
Standard setting and IP
Markets for IPRs
IPRs, entrepreneurship and growth
Green innovation and IPRs
Governance and IPRs
Trade secrecy and know how
Mobility of inventors
Networks of inventors
Disambiguating inventors' names and addresses (methodological papers)
IPRs in science
Economic/financial valuation of IPRs (methodological and practical challenges)
University patenting