Gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 april 2009
IEF 7817
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Concept rapporten van 3 Nederlandse AIPPI werkgroepen

Question Q194:  The impact of co-ownership of Intellectual Property Rights on their exploitation. (Marleen van den Horst, Bernard Ledeboer, Addick Land, Maurits Westerik and John Allen (chair)).

Report Q208: Border Measures and other means of Customs Intervention against Infringers. (Gertjan Kuipers (Chairman), Manon Rieger-Jansen, Bas Pinckaers, Fisal Van Velsen, Jef Vandekerckhove).

Question Q209: Selection inventions – the Inventive Step Requirement, other Patentability Criteria and Scope of Protection. (Bas Berghuis van Woortman (chair), Jaap Bremer, Ricardo Dijkstra, Lars Huisman, András Kupecz, René Raggers, Paul Steinhauser, Ruud van der Velden and Anne Marie Verschuur).