Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 april 2010
IEF 8782
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Gerecht EU, 21 april 2010, T-249/08, Coin SpA tegen OHIM / Dynamiki Zoi AE

Gemeenschapsmerk. Oppositieprocedure tegen aanvraag woordmerk FITCOIN o.g.v. oudere (inter)nationale en Gemeenschapsbeeldmerk ‘coin’. Gerecht vernietigt beslissing Kamer van Beroep: publiekscriterium onjuist toegepast.

24. (…)It follows that, in order to reject an opposition, it is necessary to establish that there is no likelihood of confusion on the part of the public throughout the territory in which the earlier mark/marks is/are protected.

25. The Board of Appeal thus erred in concluding that there was no likelihood of confusion by confining itself to an analysis of the similarity of the signs and the likelihood of confusion in relation solely to the Italian public, without taking account of the average consumer in the European Union with respect to the goods and services in Classes 16, 25, 28 and 35, of average German, Spanish, Hungarian and Slovenian consumers with respect to the services in Class 36, and of average German, Hungarian and Slovenian consumers with respect to the services in Class 41.

26. It follows that, by taking account only of earlier Italian marks and by finding that there was no likelihood of confusion on that basis alone, even though the applicant had, in support of its opposition, also invoked earlier trade marks enjoying protection outside Italy and covering goods and services which are essentially identical to those covered by the earlier Italian marks, the Board of Appeal breached Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation No 40/94.

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