Gepubliceerd op maandag 12 november 2012
IEF 11993
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Copyright in the cloud

A.P. Groen, ´Copyright in the cloud´, ALAI 2012, Kyoto.

1) How would you define “The Cloud” in your country?

The Cloud is an international phenomenon and therefore the most commonly used definition of "The Cloud" is an international definition. The definition that is often referred to in Dutch literature is the definition given by the American Institute of Standards and Technology that has defined the Cloud as:

“A model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”

In a more everyday use „The Cloud‟ is defined as accessing software or other content that is stored remotely on a network of computers (often by third parties) through the internet by personal devices that function as terminals. The two main advantages for consumers are that they do not need to store (a lot of) content on their own devices and that the information is available to them at any time or place (even if they are not in the vicinity of their own computer).


Session 1 - developments of new platforms
Sessions 2 and 3 - can the internet treaties of 1996 play an important role in legal issues raised by “cloud” business?
Session 4 - new business models for effective protection of copyright and related rights in the “cloud”: role of electronic rights management in new business models
Session 5 - copyright-avoiding business models
Session 6 - future model of one-stop-on-line licensing in the cloud environment

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