Gepubliceerd op zondag 8 oktober 2006
IEF 2718
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De wijsheid die prevaleerde

kidr.bmpWeer zo’n prachtig, ronkend persbericht van de WIPO: “Speaking at the closing session, the Director General of WIPO, Dr. Kamil Idris, thanked Ambassador Manalo for the successful outcome of the General Assembly.

He also thanked delegates, "individually and collectively, for the wisdom that has prevailed during this session, for your political commitment and good will in ensuring that all items handled by the General Assembly have been successfully concluded." Dr. Idris said "I very much hope that this good spirit of determination and commitment will prevail so that the Organization can face the challenges lying ahead."

Ambassador Manalo thanked the Director General for his leadership and delegations for their active participation in the work of the General Assembly. He welcomed the spirit of cooperation that characterized the talks and thanked member states for "their hard work and diligence" adding "indeed, the spirit of good will and cooperation that permeated the halls of this Assembly made an immense difference in ensuring our meeting’s success. Allow me to say that the positive results of our meeting can also be attributed to all of your unrelenting efforts to arrive at decisions by consensus especially on the major issues on our agenda."

Ambassador Manalo urged member states to harness the spirit of hard work and cooperation that had led to the successful conclusion of this year’s General Assembly and requested their continued cooperation and commitment in bringing the decisions taken by the General Assembly to a successful conclusion in the future.

Many delegations, including coordinators of regional groups, congratulated the Director General and the Chairman on the successful outcome of the Assemblies and the achievement of consensus on all items on the agenda.”

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