Gepubliceerd op maandag 15 maart 2010
IEF 8676
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Een activiteit van de consument

Gerecht EU, 9 maart 2010, zaak T-77/09, Hofherr communikation GmbH tegen OHIM

Gemeenschapsmerk. Weigering inschrijving beschrijvend woordmerk NATURE WATCH (vrijetijdsdiensten). Beschrijvend, ook al beschrijft het merk een activiteit van de consument.

30. Secondly, the applicant correctly points out that nature observation is an action of the consumer concerned. The fact none the less remains that that consumer will perceive as descriptive any indications that the rendering of a service enables nature to be observed or is suitable for that purpose, provided that those characteristics are relevant to the service concerned.

39. In the light of all the foregoing, it must be held that there is a sufficiently direct and specific relationship from the point of view of the relevant public between the trade mark applied for and all the services referred to in the application for registration. Consequently, the Board of Appeal did not err when it confirmed the refusal of registration.

Lees het arrest hier.