Gepubliceerd op woensdag 5 maart 2008
IEF 5739
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Een gemeenschappelijk EU-kader voor octrooibescherming

Slovenian Presidency priorities in the field of intellectual property and company law presented at the European Parliament by Economy Minister, Andrej Vizjak

“Intellectual Property Rights. I would like to stress the close link between an effective legal framework for the protection of intellectual property rights and competitiveness. In this context let me underline the priority discussion on the European Patent regulation. The Council has been fully informed by the calls of the European Parliament and industry that the strengthened and improved European Patent system is very important for competitiveness and growth of the European economy. A discussion at experts’ level in the Council in 2007 showed a positive atmosphere and encourages the Slovenian Presidency to intensify the efforts made by the German and Portuguese Presidencies.

Therefore we will seek for agreement on European Patent Litigation System and Community patent. The Council by this confirms the political obligation that after the entirely political agreement on the Community Patent will be reached we will consult the European Parliament again. I would like to point out also the legal protection of designs ("the Spare parts Directive"). The Council has been following this important discussion in the Parliament with great interest. The Slovenian Presidency will shortly inform the Member States with the opinion of the European Parliament and convene a meeting of the competent Council Working Party to explore the possibilities to reach agreement in the Council and the European Parliament.”

Of zoals vertaald in de persmededeling van de Raad Economische en Financiële Zaken
Brussel, 22 januari 2008, Voornaamste resultaten van de Raadszitting:

“Prioritaire gebieden voor actie: (…)ONDERSTREEPT de Raad dat bevordering van het vrije verkeer van kennis en innovatie een prioriteit moet zijn, en ZIET hij in dit verband UIT naar verdere vooruitgang in het opzetten van een gemeenschappelijk EU-kader voor octrooibescherming, waarbij de rechtszekerheid wordt beschermd en discriminatie wordt voorkomen.”

Lees de volledige speech hier. Persmededeling hier. Bericht in staatscourant hier. Uitgebreid mediabericht over Franse steun voorstel Slovenië hier.