Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 november 2008
IEF 7336
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Een nieuw alternatief

GvEA, 26 November 2008, zaak T-184/07, Avon Products, Inc. tegen OHIM (Nederlandse vertaling nog niet beschikbaar).

Gemeenschapsmerk. Terechte weigering niet onderscheidend woordmerk ANEW ALTERNATIVE voor zeepjes e.d. (ANEW inderdaad zonder spatie).

“26. (…) The sign ‘a new alternative’ will be perceived from the outset as an advertising slogan indicating to the consumer that the product or service concerned offers an alternative to the existing goods or services, and not as an indication of its commercial origin. Consequently, in accordance with the case-law set out in paragraph 22 above, the mark applied for is devoid of distinctive character and its registration is for that reason impermissible on the ground for absolute refusal laid down in Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation No 40/94.”

Lees het vonnis hier.