Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 4 november 2005
IEF 1154
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O.a. The Financial Times bericht dat : "A group of Europe’s most senior judges is campaigning for a unified European patent court following years of delays in reforming intellectual property litigation. In a rare lobbying attempt by leading judicial figures, 24 intellectual property judges from 10 countries have urged EU member states to create a new court of first instance and a single appeal body for all cross-border patent disputes as soon as practicable.

The judges’ campaign, which draws on proposals outlined in a “European patent litigation agreement” (EPLA) calls for a single court, with sub-courts in major jurisdictions to be created more quickly, independent of the single patent plans. The resolution has also been signed by senior judges from, among others, the UK House of Lords, Germany’s Federal Court, the Italian Supreme Court, the Court of First Instance in the Hague, the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris and the Commercial Court of Zurich." Lees hier of hier meer.