Gepubliceerd op donderdag 6 april 2006
IEF 1884
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HvJ EG, 6 april 2006, opinie AG Sharpston, in zaak C-348/04. Boehringer Ingelheim KG c.s. tegen Swingward Ltd en Boehringer Ingelheim KG c.s. tegen Dowelhurst Ltd. (Geen Nederlandse tekst beschikbaar.)

"Questions have been put in the present case on two methods of reboxing the products in new exterior cartons designed by one of the defendants and bearing some or all of its own logo or trade mark or a house style or get-up.

- The first is described by the referring court as ‘cobranding’: the parallel importer reaffixes the original trade mark to the new exterior carton.

- The second is described by the referring court as ‘debranding’: the original trade mark is not reaffixed to the new exterior carton, although it will remain on the pills and inhalers themselves and on any blister packs; instead, the generic name of the drug is indicated." Lees de conclusie hier.