Gepubliceerd op maandag 14 december 2009
IEF 8450
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European Commission welcomes ratification of the WIPO Copyright Treaties

Today, the European Union and its Member States ratified the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, the so-called "Internet" Treaties. These Treaties were concluded to make the world's copyright laws 'fit for the internet'. 

Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy commented on the WIPO ratifications : "Today is an important day for the European Union and its Member States and WIPO. We, as a group have shown our attachment to the international system of protection of copyright and related rights. These two treaties brought protection up to speed with modern technologies. As the technological evolution accelerates, protecting creators and creative industries is more urgent than ever."

By ratifying these Treaties, the European Union and its Member States hope to breathe new vigour into the current treaty-making work of WIPO and encourage renewed commitment to moving forward on a high level of protection for creators and creative industries.

Lees het persbericht hier.