Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 10 november 2009
IEF 8335
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European patent lawyers

EPLAW, programma Annual Meeting & Congress, Brussels, Le Méridien, November 20, 2009.

“Apart from an excellent opportunity to see your colleagues we will have a very interesting program which mirrors the Venice program and which deals with certain "hot topics" of our present practice and with the future European litigation system (which slowly but gradually seems to become a reality).”

Met onder heel veel anderen.: Jochen Pagenberg: “Limits on limitation”, Central (national) limitations and their effect on national proceedings;  Simon Ayrton: “Exhausted Exhaustion”, When is a patent(claim) exhausted?;  Mini Trial (Broad Claiming), Richard Hacon: plaintiff, Bart van den Broek: defendant; Margot Fröhlinger, Director, Knowledge-based Economy, DG Internal Market & Service, EC: Developments in the E.U. Commission;  Kevin Mooney: Content of the Statement of Claim, Pierre Véron: Preliminary Injunction.

Volledige programma hier, website EPLAW hier.