Gepubliceerd op donderdag 22 juni 2006
IEF 2235
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Jan Libbenga bericht op de veelgelezen Engelstalige website The Register: "Dutch MP3 ruling hit by conflict of interest claims. Judges linked to rights holders.

The impartiality of two of the judges who ruled that Dutch website broke the law by posting links to copyrighted files has been called into question. (…) However, reader comments on the Dutch news site Webwereld, which reported on the case, pointed out that two of the three judges involved in the decision are members of organisations that support professional musicians or (music) rights holders.

One of the judges is a member of Comité Executif de l'Association Littéraire et Artistique, whose Dutch subsidiary includes the managing director the Dutch Association of Phonogram and Videogram Producers (NVPI), who is behind anti-piracy organisation BREIN. BREIN took the website to court. The vice president of the court is a member of a Dutch fund which also supports professional musicians.

Dutch lawyer Christiaan A Alberdingk Thijm, who defended against BREIN two years ago, said the impartiality of the court was not his biggest concern. "What bothers me more is that this case wasn't defended at all," he told The Register. "The ruling is inherently contradictory. While the court decided not to rule on the issue of copyright infringement by, it applied a statement of the WIPO copyright treaty to conclude that the site acted unlawful."

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