Gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 mei 2011
IEF 9670
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Gerecht EU 18 mei 2011, Zaak T-502/07 (IIC - Intersport International Corp. GmbH tegen OHIM - The McKenzie Corporation Ltd.)

McKinley is nog geen McKenzie

Merkenrecht. Gemeenschapsmerk. Oppositie. Aanvrage voor woordmerk McKENZIE klasse 18, 25 tegenover ouder woord- en beeldmerk McKINLEY (klasse 18, 20, 22 , 25 en 28) Relatieve weigeringsgrond. Wel voor gelijksoortige waren, maar verwarringsgevaar nauwelijks aanwezig: visueel zwakke, fonetisch enige en begripsmatig geen overeenstemming. Beroep op art. 8 lid 1 onder b Vo nr. 207/2009. Afgewezen.

27 With regard to the comparison of the goods, the Board of Appeal’s conclusion concerning the similarity of the goods at issue is not disputed in the present case. The Board of Appeal confirmed the reasoning and the conclusions of the Opposition Division, which had stated that the goods referred to in the trade mark application and certain goods covered by the earlier trade marks were identical or ‘very similar’, that the goods referred to in the trade mark application and other goods covered by the earlier trade marks were of average or weak similarity, and that the goods referred to in the trade mark application and other goods covered by the earlier trade marks were not similar. However, unlike the Opposition Division, it concluded that the ‘belts’ referred to in the trade mark application and the ‘articles of clothing’ covered by the earlier marks were ‘very similar’ or identical.

28      In addition, concerning the relevant public with reference to which the analysis of the likelihood of confusion must be carried out, it is not disputed that this is constituted by the ‘average Community consumer’.

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