Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 april 2010
IEF 8800
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Goed & Gratis

IRIS, maandelijkse nieuwsbrief over actuele ontwikkelingen in het media- en auteursrecht in heel Europa, onder mede-redactie van het IViR. Tot voor kort in hard-copy EUR 238 per jaar, maar nu in elektronische vorm geheel gratis.

“For 15 years now, IRIS has been a reference in terms of reporting on the latest legal developments concerning the audiovisual industries. Its concise, country-by-country articles cover over 50 European countries and deal with topics ranging from copyright, advertising, media concentration and content regulation, to name but a few. This new electronic form of the newsletter is sent monthly free of charge to your in-box and, unlike the paper version, offers an advanced search function and archive going back to 1995. A printable PDF is also available for download.

Lees hier meer.