In de tijdschriften januari 2014
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![]() Berichten IE 2013-12 | ![]() JIPLP February 2014 vol 9 issue 2 | ![]() Mediaforum januari 2014 |
Berichten IE 2013-12
Artikel - Frankrijk 2013 – Rein-Jan Prins
Nr. 1 Hof Den Haag 25 juni 2013, Rovi/Ziggo, IEF 12806, ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2013:CA3887 – met noot van C. Box
Nr. 2 Rechtbank Den Haag 2 oktober 2013, Teva/Sanofi , IEF 13099, ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2013:15067 – met noot van K.M.L. Bijvank
Mediaforum januari 2014
ISP of online-uitgever: Delfi naar de Grote Kamer?
Dirk Voorhoof
De ontwerpverordening voor een Connected Continent: Kroes' control?
Feyo Sickinghe en Bart-Jan van Dijk
Nr. 1 EHRM 19 september 2013, Von Hannover/Duitsland (III) m.nt. O.G. Trojan
Nr. 2 HR 4 oktober 2013, Het Parool e.a./X m.nt. M.R. de Zwaan
JIPLP 2014 vol 9 issue 2
Neil Wilkof
The econometrics of IP: The case of patents and innovation
Charles R. Macedo, Michael J. Kasdan, and Reena Jain
Patents: Divided Federal Circuit panel notes the lack of clarity in patent-eligiblity law
Colin Davies
Trade marks: Dilution revisited: a heavy handed approach by the CJEU?
Anthonia Ghalamkarizadeh
Trade marks: Third-party liability for information claims in trade mark infringement cases
Niamh Hall
Trade marks: DIESEL—it's all in the ‘jeans’: vintage dispute stretches on
Ján Lazur and Radovan Pala
Copyright: Significant changes to Slovakian copyright law
Eleonora Rosati
Copyright: Google Books' Library Project is fair use
Birgit Clark
Designs and trade marks: Keeping it clean: invalidity of a registered Community design based on likelihood of confusion with earlier 3D Community trade mark
Martin Husovec
General: ECtHR rules on liability of ISPs as a restriction of freedom of speech
Gary Moss
The Supreme Court in Virgin v Zodiac: whither the fat lady?
Alexander Tsoutsanis
Trade mark applications in bad faith: righting wrong in Denmark and why the Benelux is next
Adrian Spillmann
Transparency obligation for holders of EU IP assets in the pharmaceutical industry
John Syekei, Daniel Mwathe, and Joseph Omwenga
The developing jurisprudence on the protection of well-known marks in Kenya: the Red Bull decision
Jeremy Blum and Tom Ohta
Personality disorder: strategies for protecting celebrity names and images in the UK
Danny Friedmann
Sinking the safe harbour with the legal certainty of strict liability in sight
Michael Fröhlich
The smartphone patent wars saga: availability of injunctive relief for standard essential patents
Alexander von Mühlendahl
European trade mark law: registrable signs, service marks
Ghufran Sukkaryeh
An analytical book with cross-jurisdictional perspective
Bruce Baer Arnold
The troll of Tin Pan Alley: a biography of Ira Arnstein
Riccardo Sciaudone
A fresh and practice-oriented new guide to Italian IP and IT law
Michael Factor
How much is a patent worth?