Gepubliceerd op maandag 20 juli 2015
IEF 15126
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John J. Allen Scholarship

Ter nagedachtenis aan John Allen
, afgelopen jaar met zijn gezin omgekomen in de MH17-vliegramp, heeft NautaDutilh afgelopen vrijdag aangekondigd jaarlijks een beurs te zullen gaan uitreiken: NautaDutilh will award an annual scholarship dedicated to the memory of John Allen, who together with his family lost his life on 17 July 2014 in the flight MH17 tragedy. Using Johns’ talent as an inspiration, we would like to help promising young people develop and become the best in the field of intellectual property law.

A committee headed by Anne Marie Verschuur will decide who receives the scholarship, which will provide financial support for the recipient's participation in an LLM or PhD programme in the field of intellectual property law.

We dearly miss our much-beloved and inspiring colleague. We will never forget John and would like to commemorate him and his connection with our firm in a lasting way. By starting this scholarship we honour John and keep his spirit alive.

Zie voor meer informatie.