Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 april 2008
IEF 5961
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Jonge Europese Octrooirechtjuristen

lemerid.gifThe European Patent Lawyers Association has taken the initiative to organize the first Young EPLAW congress In Brussels on May 26. The congress is open for all patent lawyers up to 35 years old.

The day (and evening before) is a unique opportunity to learn and discuss about European patent law with an emphasis on direct relevance for the daily practice, It also is an excellent opportunity to meet young colleagues from all over Europe who practice the same law. Speakers and sessions:

- European Patent Litigation: The future? Speaker: Judge Robert van Peursem, Vice President Patent Chamber, Court of The Hague

- The Enforcement Directive. Proposed speaker: Jan Dombrowski (Germany), Introduction, defining the open questions and subjects for break outs

- Break out sessions re Enforcement Directive

- Anti Piracy Regulation and the effects of Montex. Speakers: Olivier Vrins (Belgium) and Christophe Zimmerman (France)

- New in EPC 2000 (doctrine of equivalence, diagnostic methods, partial invalidity, central limitation). Speaker: Simon Dack (Netherlands).

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