Gepubliceerd op maandag 19 maart 2012
IEF 11070
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Kort antwoord inzake taalkeuze

Beschikking Gerecht EU 28 februari 2012, T-11/09 DEP (Özdemir tegen OHIM) - dossier

Proceskosten bij het Gerecht EU. De onderhavige klacht gaat over de hoogte van de proceskosten nadat reeds inhoudelijk arrest is gewezen. Deze kosten zijn excessief te noemen (ruim €6.000), temeer nu "the General Court decided to rule without opening the oral procedure, the actual participation of the intervener’s lawyer in the main proceedings was restricted to the drafting of a brief response and a letter concerning the choice of language of the case." en dus kan de onderhavige zaak niet bijzonder lastig zijn. De opgegeven 30 uur lijken excessief te zijn gedeclareerd.

18. Moreover, it must be noted that, since the General Court decided to rule without opening the oral procedure, the actual participation of the intervener’s lawyer in the main proceedings was restricted to the drafting of a brief response and a letter concerning the choice of language of the case. Having regard to those factors and to the fact that the main proceedings cannot be regarded as particularly difficult (see paragraph 14 above), the time allegedly devoted by the intervener’s lawyer to the proceedings before the Court, namely 30 hours, appears excessive.

19. Having regard to the foregoing, the view must be taken that the amount of EUR 6 168.26 for lawyers’ fees is excessive and that the lawyers’ fees recoverable by the intervener will be fairly assessed by setting their amount at EUR 3 600.