Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 mei 2008
IEF 6099
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Lord Hoffmann flirts with EPO in Lundbeck/Generics UK judgment

ranitz-swens.gifRemco de Ranitz (De Ranitz Advocatuur) and Otto Swens (Vondst Advocaten)

"On 10 April 2008 the Court of Appeal in the United Kingdom handed down a judgment in the long awaited proceedings between Lundbeck and Generics UK. The judgment is a rare feast for all of us who favour a more harmonised, ‘European’ patent law, because the Court of Appeal, in particular Lord Hoffmann, has used this case to bring the UK approach to validity closer to the EPO / continental approach. A more elaborate discussion of the judgment will appear in the Dutch law IP journal IER shortly. This is a short appetiser."

Read the article here. (The authors represent Angiotech in Dutch patentprocedures).