Gepubliceerd op maandag 4 september 2006
IEF 2561
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- Advocaat Evert van Gelderen ( volgens zijn kantoorpagina ‘zeer mensvriendelijk’ en volgens zichzelf  een ‘verknipte IE-advocaat’) hoeft geen werk mee te nemen op vakantie: het blijkt er al te zijn.

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- Nederlandse 'Piratenpartij' in oprichting Op het forum van PP International, een site voor piraterij-sympathisanten, ontwikkelen Nederlanders een initiatief voor een Piraterijpartij.

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-‘The auctions arm of Ocean Tomo, LLC, and the country's leading Intellectual Capital Merchant Banc® - announced today the immediate availability of the Fall 2006 Live Intellectual Property Auction Catalogue (October 26, 2006).’ (Master Recording Rights and Original Artwork to unreleased Public Enemy Live at Helsinki album en Rights, title, and interest in the entire Jimi Hendrix music catalog as claimed by the Estate of Michael Frank Jeffery).

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- Russia gets tough over online copyrights. Owners of Russian sites selling digital music face the prospect of up to five years in gaol after the country's president, Vladimir Putin, approved new copyright law.
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- Google Inc. will start allowing users to download and print books that are out of copyright in its book search engine.

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“ Über-nationalist, right-wing extremists in Germany created an ad with an Aryan babe and copy which read "Deutsch ist Geil!", but oops, she's Czech, and the photo was apparently nicked, raising the possibility of legal action. "We've handed this over to our lawyers and will likely go to court"
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'The IPKat is happy to remind his readers that a new IP news wiki has been launched by Martin Farley, the IP Librarian in Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer's London office.'

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