Gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 maart 2007
IEF 3641
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Meanwhile in Zeist

Alvast wat Zeist-berichtgeving: "IPKat team blogger Jeremy spent this afternoon in the Netherlands, participating in a discussion on the scope of trade mark protection. The event was the Dutch AIPPI's annual conference at the Figi Hotel, Zeist.

(...)What came out of the session was the impression that European trade mark law is very much in danger of becoming over-intellectualised and increasingly detached from the realities of the way in which traders commercialise goods and services. (...)To start again with a fresh set of trade mark rules and guidance as to their application would be admission that we have squandered the past decade in empirical tinkering, to no avail - but to leave the law as it is, expecting litigant-financed questions to a Delphic court to lead us to a position of greater certainty, seems most unattractive."

Lees hier meer.