Gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 februari 2006
IEF 1677
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Missing Links

Charlie McCreevy, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services:'Priorities for the Internal Market. Speech European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels, 21 February 2006:

“Intellectual Property is an area where much was achieved.  Yet there are some very important missing links. The Community patent has remained blocked in Council since Spring 2004 because of issues relating to the translations of patent claims. The business community does not let an opportunity slip to remind us of the importance of having a Community patent for the competitiveness of European industry. I will make one last push for a Community patent, when the time is ripe.

Current developments in the area of copyright facilitate market entry for new and innovative Internet-based products and services. Last October we presented a Recommendation on on-line music to make licensing of online copyrights that are administered by collecting societies easier to acquire on a Community wide basis. We are also looking at the system of copyright levies for private copying. We must ensure that any system that compensates right-holders for acts of private copying does not hinder the launch of new products and services or unfairly puts a charge on certain computer equipment."

Lees de volledige speech hier.