Gepubliceerd op woensdag 19 november 2008
IEF 7301
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National intellectual property offices could and should

Charlie McCreevy (Commissie EU):  Opening address Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) exhibition opening (European Parliament), Brussels, 11 November 2008.

"The Community trade mark system has been operational for more than a decade now. (…) The Commission is currently conducting a comprehensive evaluation. This evaluation will provide for an in-depth assessment of the functioning of the EU and national trade mark systems and their co-existence. It aims to elaborate on potential improvements which could form the basis of a future review of the Community trade mark system. This is central to our recent communication on an "Industrial Property Rights Strategy for Europe".

(…) My next point relates to the partnership between the OHIM and the offices of the Member States. This is important for the efficient performance of the Community and national trade mark systems. We consider that developing cooperation between national offices and the OHIM – on, for example, training, education, IT tools and awareness programmes - is in the interest of all parties. It will lead to further improvements in the efficiency of our intellectual property system. National intellectual property offices could – and should - also step up their efforts in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy together with the Community institutions and other stakeholders."

Lees de speech hier.