Gepubliceerd op donderdag 2 maart 2006
IEF 1715
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Nog twee jaar

Bericht via CIPA over de inwerkingtreding van de EPC 2000: “Greece deposited its instrument of ratification of the European Patent Convention 2000 on 13 December 2005. As this was the fifteenth Contracting State to ratify the Convention, this will enter into force two years after that date, or three months after the ratification by the last Contracting State, if earlier.

16 Contracting States (waaronder Nederland)  have yet to ratify and have only two years in which to do so, or according to Article 172(4) EPC they will cease to be party to the EPC as from that time. 

EPC 2000 hier, list of Contracting States hier, bericht CIPA hier.