Gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 november 2009
IEF 8324
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On The Brink

‘On the Brink Of European Patent Law.’ (CIER) Congres ter gelegenheid van het bereiken van de pensoengerechtigde leeftijd van Prof. Jan Brinkhof. 11 januari, Domplein 29, Academiegebouw (Senaatszaal)

Met lezing van Robert van Peursem (Rechtbank Den Haag), Simon Thorley (QC Londen), Peter Meier-Beck, (Bundesgerichtshof), Lord Hoffmann (Retired Law Lord House of Lords), Ernst Numann (Hoge Raad), Prof. Christian Osterrieth (advocaat, Dusseldorf), Richard Ebbink, (advocaat, Amsterdam), Paul Alting van Geusau (Board of Appeal EPO), Prof. Willem Hoyng (advocaat, Amsterdam), Christopher Heath (Board of Appeal EPO), Prof. Dieter Stauder (advocaat, München) & Sir Robin Jacob (Court of Appeal England & Wales). O.v.v. Prof. Dick van Engelen.

“Leading patent judges, academics and practicing lawyers from Germany, England and The Netherlands and members of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office will be discussing issues of European patent law. Topics as scope of protection, partial revocation, inventive step, prosecution history and contributory infringement are to a large extent harmonized and unified law. However, in the absence of a highest European court, it is up to national courts to develop a uniform application and interpretation of European patent law and to provide the legal certainty and predictability that litigants need.” (5 PO-punten).

Lees het programma hier.