Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 26 september 2006
IEF 2658
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Ondertussen in Brussel (2)

Vorige week kwamen de socialistische Europarlementariërs  met  anti-EPLA motie (eerder bericht hier), deze week spreken de verenigde Christen-Democratische MEPs zich in een (concept) pro-EPLA motie uit voor het EPLA.

“(…) Urges the Commission to explore all courses for improving the patent and patent litigation systems in the EU, including participation in EPLA and joining the Munich convention as well as revising the Community Patent proposals; Considers it advantageous that the European Community should eventually become part of the European Patent Convention, and in consequence of the European Patent Litigation Agreement and the London Agreement;

(…) Stresses that access to justice must be ensured, irrespective of whether the court in question is a European Patent Court or a Community Patent Court, and that the true implementation of this fundamental legal principle is particularly important for the SMEs; invites, therefore, the Member States of the European Community to ensure that the EPLA courts are affordable; in order to reduce these costs, considers that patent litigants should not have to bear the cost of courts and court services set up under EPLA. These should be funded by Member States in the same way as national courts. This is especially relevant for the national courts of first instance;”

Lees de gehele (concept) motie hier.