Gepubliceerd op woensdag 23 november 2011
IEF 10533
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Orphan Works Survey

Samen met de  Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) roept Stuart Dempster van The Strategic Content Alliance/JISC bibliotheken op een paar minuten te besteden aan deze Orphan Works Survey en bericht als volgt:

Bring light into the digital ‘black hole’ of the 20th and 21st centuries…and your chance to win a new ‘Kindle’! This is your opportunity to make your voice heard at Westminster and Brussels. In 2009 two agencies – Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) and the Collections Trust (CT) published one of the few empirical pieces of evidence on the scale and affects of orphan works on galleries, libraries, archives and libraries specifically and other organisations more broadly, entitled ‘In from the Cold”.