Gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 maart 2011
IEF 9510
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Over de grenzen (boekrecensie)

Waar een klein land groot in kan zijn. Drie min of meer recente omvangrijke Engelstalige publicaties van Nederlandse auteurs.

\"\"Trade mark Registrations in Bad Faith. Alexander Tsoutsanis. Nieuw volumineus  boek van Tsoutsanis dat aansluit bij zijn eerder verschenen proefschrift over dit onderwerp en dat een goed actueel beeld geeft van alle aspecten van merkenkaping en de nietigheidsgrond van \'kwade trouw\', inclusief de meest recente rechtspraak van het HvJ EU.

"First major treatment and analysis of "bad faith" trade mark registrations, including counterfeiting branded products and wrongful registration of a trade mark belonging to another party. Comparative examination of the relevant rules and registrations in 15 EU Member States. Practical coverage of protecting trade marks against trade mark grabbing and abusive registrations. (504 pagina\'s).

Lees hier meer (Oxford University Press).

\"\"International Copyright. Bernt Hugenholtz & Paul Goldstein. Tweede druk, “combines all the important key developments in the field, including more coverage of the four major systems-- US, UK, France, Germany. A complete and exhaustive analysis of international copyright that serves as a unique and reliable tool to practitioners. "

The authors have eloquently written the treatise in a way that any practitioners with only a working knowledge of copyright law could understand. The best part of this book is that the treatise provides a survey of copyright practice around the world in transactional settings and litigation settings. Better still, the analysis provides insight regarding protecting foreign works in the United States and protecting United States works abroad.” (608 pagina\'s).

Lees hier meer (Oxford University Press).(728 pagina\'s)

\"\"European Trademark Law: Community Trademark Law and Harmonized National Trademark Law. Tobias Cohen Jehoram, Constant Van Nispen & Tony HuydecoperGeen vertaling van ‘De Blauwe Tobias’, maar verwantschap valt ook weer niet te ontkennen. “Heretofore practitioners have had no easily accessible and comprehensive description and analysis of this regime to rely upon in their work, despite the existence of commentaries of the Directive and Regulation on trademarks.

Now, European Trademark Law describes all relevant developments in both legislation and case law, in particular of the Court of Justice. As the authors note, their book provides an ‘overview of trademark law rather than an overview of trademark legislation.’ The authors view the law from different perspectives; they take both the European perspective and the perspective from harmonised national trademark law, in particular as it is in the Benelux countries.”(728 pagina\'s).

Lees hier meer (Kluwer Law International).