Gepubliceerd op woensdag 11 november 2009
IEF 8420
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Perceiving a word sign

GvEA, 11 November 2009, zaak T-277/08, Bayer Healthcare LLC tegen OHIM / Uriach-Aquilea OTC

Gemeenschapsmerk. Oppositieprocedure tegen aanvraag Gemeenschapswoordmerk CITRACAL o.g.v. ouder national woordmerk CICATRAL (geneesmiddelen). Verwarringsgevaar. Oppositie toegewezen.

55. It is true that the average consumer, perceiving a word sign, will break it down into word elements which, for him, have a concrete meaning or which resemble words known to him (…) . However, that will not be so in the present case. The word elements ‘cica’ and ‘citra’ do not have any concrete meaning, any more than do the endings ‘tral’ and ‘cal’. The signs at issue are therefore not likely to be broken down by the public into word elements which have a concrete meaning or resemble words known to it and which, together, would form a coherent whole giving a meaning to each of the signs at issue or to one of them.

56. In view of the fact that the signs at issue have no conceptual content, their visual and phonetic similarities cannot be offset by the differences between them.

(…) 59. In the present case, since the goods at issue are similar and the signs at issue are very similar overall, it must be held that there is a likelihood of confusion.

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