Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 mei 2011
IEF 9695
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Persbericht 'Commission sets out "blueprint" for Intellectual Property Rights to boost creativity and innovation' IP/11/630, 24 mei 2011

Europese blauwdruk IE-rechten

Persbericht. Europese Commissie zet in een "blauwdruk" IE-rechten uiteen hoe creativiteit en innovatie in EU te stimuleren.

The existing mix of European and national rules are no longer adapted and need to be modernised. That is why the Commission has adopted today a comprehensive strategy to revamp the legal framework in which IPR operate. Our objective is to enable inventors, creators, users and consumers to adapt to the new circumstances and to enhance new business opportunities. The new rules will strike the right balance between promoting creation and innovation, in part by ensuring reward and investment for creators and, on the other hand, promoting the widest possible access to goods and services protected by IPR. Getting this balance right will make a real difference to businesses (from the individual artist working alone to the big pharmaceutical companies) by encouraging investment in innovation.

  • eenvormige octrooibescherming,
  • merkenregistraties moderniseren,
  • geografische aanduidingen voor niet-agrarische producten
  • grensoverschrijdend auteursrechtelijk licentiëren van muziek en audio-visueel materiaal
  • digitale bibliotheken en 'orphan works' MEMO/11/233
  • Handhavingsrichtlijn aanpassingen
  • Handhaving door douane, nieuwe ´customs regulation´

Lees het hele persbericht hier (link)