Gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 november 2008
IEF 7282
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Prima merk voor monumenten (niet van metaal)

Duro Easy CoverGvEA, 13 november 2008, zaak T-346/07, Duro Sweden AB tegen OHIM (Nederlandse vertaling nog niet beschikbaar).

Gemeenschapsmerken. Weinig verrassende weigering inschrijving woordmerk EASYCOVER, klassen 19, 24 en 27 (bouwmaterialen, textiel, vloerbedekkingen etc.).

“63  . It follows from the foregoing that the mark EASYCOVER, taken as a whole, presents, with regard to the target public, a sufficiently direct and concrete link with the goods covered by the application for registration, with the exception of those in the category of ‘monuments, not of metal’. In that regard, it should be added that, even if the mark EASYCOVER were not descriptive of all the goods within each of the categories in question, except for the category ‘monuments, not of metal’, the applicant applied for registration of the sign for all the goods within those categories without distinguishing between them, so that, accordingly, the Board of Appeal’s assessment must be upheld in so far as it relates to those categories of goods as a whole except for those goods in the category ‘monuments, not of metal’”

Lees het arrest hier.