Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 januari 2010
IEF 8506
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Questionnaire for Neelie Kroes

Answers to european parliament. Questionnaire for commissioner - designate Neelie Kroes (digital agenda).

What are the specific legislative and non-legislative initiatives you intend to put forward, and according to what timetable?

ii. Developing Policy on European Digital Content. As an early priority, I want to focus on creating a real single market for content and facilitating the digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage. This action will require coordinated measures within the Commission and with the other institutions to eliminate the current fragmentation of the EU market. I will be carrying out a thorough examination of the licensing provisions that allow access to content, notably for out of print and orphan works, and for the establishment of a sustainable basis for the European Digital Library (Europeana) and large-scale digitisation of cultural works in Europe. I will contribute, in close cooperation with the Commissioner for Internal Market, to the Commission's objectives to create a favourable environment for the development of a credible, competitive and Europe-wide offer of content online, including effective protection of the Intellectual Property of those who offer content online, in order to turn the tide of illegal downloads.

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